Policy Statement:
The Henderson Library Meeting Room is for library meetings and activities. When the room is not is use for library purposes, nonprofit organizations may use it for civic, cultural, or educational purposes. Groups not meeting the above criteria will be considered on an individual basis. The Library Board of Trustees has the final decision.
Guidelines for use of the meeting room:
- Representatives or organizations wishing to use the room must complete and sign a meeting room request form for dates requested. Faxed versions are acceptable. Forms will be kept on file for one year.
- All meetings must be free and open to the public.
- No group may reserve the room for financial gain by charging a fee or selling a product except when sponsored by the Henderson Library or Library Association. The board will consider exceptions.
- No one under the age of 18 may use the room without adult supervision.
- The room may not be reserved more than 6 weeks in advance unless approved by the board or the director in advance.
- No personal showers, parties, or dinners are permitted. The board will consider exceptions.
- The Henderson Library must be notified of any cancellations.
- Smoking, vaping, chewing tobacco, and alcoholic beverages are not permitted.
- Each group is responsible for their own meeting set-up. Library staff may assist with projector/Blu-Ray DVD player if needed.
- The room will be inspected for any damage or debris before and after each use. Any damaged equipment or materials will be charged to the organization for replacement. The library reserves the right to charge a fee for any needed repairs or cleaning.
- No equipment or materials may be stored in the library by any organization using the meeting room unless authorized by staff.
- Meetings must end 15 minutes before library closing.
- Supplies in the meeting room such as popcorn machine, cups, plates, coffee, tape, glue, and other consumables are for library purposes only unless authorized in advance by library staff or director.
Revised: 9/12/2003. 10/14/2003, 8/11/2009, 5/10/2016, 1/2/2019
Adopted: November 9, 1999
Henderson Board of Trustees
Date: _______________
Organization: ________________________________________________________________________
Contact: ________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________________
Date(s) Requested: _________________________________________________________________
Activity Description: _________________________________________________________________
“No group may reserve the room for financial gain by charging a fee or selling a product”
(adopted October 14, 2003 Henderson Board of Trustees)
Number of people expected:
Arrival Time: Departure Time:
Equipment Needed: Tables Chairs Blu-Ray/DVD Player Overhead Projector
I have read the Meeting Room policy and understand the conditions and terms for its use, and agree to reimburse the library for any damages incurred to equipment, materials, or janitorial services should the room not be returned in its original condition. I further understand that all meetings must end 15 minutes before the library closes.
Contact Signature Date
Staff Signature Fees for any damage, repair, cleaning
Additional Comments:
Revised: 9/12/2003. 10/14/2003, 8/11/2009, 5/10/2016, 1/2/2019
Adopted: November 9, 1999
Henderson Board of Trustees